Ahhhh, May. Flowers blooming. Birds chirping. Summer on the way…

With spring now in full session, comes renewed energy and life, and a letting go of the darkness of winter. It’s time to blossom and I’m committing the next year to helping my fellow authors and writer friends do just that. Not having a book of my own out this year is blissfully freeing! I can promote others instead of myself – the necessary bane of a writer’s existence – as we continually harass encourage our friends and family to “buy our book” or “please leave a review”. (Though, seriously, if you have a writer in your life, you have no idea how much reviews count for in the Amazon world, playing into intricate mysterious algorithms, etc., etc. 😉 ).
In addition to giving out tons of #authorlove, I also want to give out maximum #readerlove, and am making Kissing Frogs available on Wattpad – an amazing app that lets you read books for free on your phone or tablet a chapter at a time, as well as putting it back up on Amazon.
I also encourage all my writer friends out there to take part in a fun Instagram challenge put on by fellow KCP-Lofter, Cheyanne Young. As a matter of fact, I’m crossing #2 off my list right now – “A writer’s morning” (which usually isn’t as productive as this one has been – I’m writing a blog post and everything – and typically involves a lot more banging of the head on keyboard 😉 ).
With so much going on, I know it’s going to be a magical May! So if you’re an author and want to be featured on my blog, drop me a line. And to all future readers out there, looking forward to meeting you!
Lots of love,